Getting Started.

About Us.
Premier Hunting Leases provides recreation opportunities as a public service to the communities surrounding our properties. We offer licenses for exclusive recreation rights on these properties. It is expected that the exclusive license fosters a mutually beneficial relationship where-in license holders may control access and improve wildlife habitat while we benefit from the custodial interests of the license holders. License fees are collected to cover administrative costs and to help offset rising property taxes. We ask prospective licensees to submit the price they are willing to pay for the exclusive recreation rights. This approach is meant to fairly accommodate past license holders, new license holders, interested parties, and neighboring landowners.
Deer Stand
Licensing Process
Licensing a Recreational License Unit (RLU) with Premier Hunting Leases is simple and convenient. The licensing process has been streamlined through your online account.

To License a RLU, first create your user account and then search for available properties. Once you have identified the RLU(s) you are interested in, simply place a bid, "License Now", or contact us for information about making a reservation to your account.
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